Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Economic Implications on Social Media Essay

The developments in the information technology sector have led to facilitation in information sharing across the globe in what has been referred to as social media. The internet has brought many changes in the way individuals across the world interact. Through the use of social media, individuals are able to exchange photographs, videos, post their thoughts on blogs and take part in discussions that takes lace online. Social media allows the people, organizations, companies and governments to be able to reach large numbers of people with a lot of ease. This paper shall give an overview of how the social media has impacted on the economic domain of development in the society by analyzing both the positive and the negative impacts. Social Media: Social media refers to the various internet based and mobile services which allows the user to take part in online exchanges, contributing user-created content and being able to join the online community. It also refers to the tools and technologies that enable an online interaction, networking, sharing and collaboration. There are various services internet services that are usually associated with social media which includes blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, social network sites, status updates services, virtual word content and media sharing site (Dewing, 2010). Blogs is a short form of ‘web log’ which can be described as an online journal in which pages are put on view in an overturned chronological order. The blogs can be hosted for free on various websites including WordPress and Blogger among others. Wikis on the other hand refers to collective websites in which anyone participating can modify the pages or create their new pages using a Web browser. A good example of a wiki is the Wikipedia which is a free online encyclopedia that utilizes the wiki technology. Social bookmarking sites are those sites which allow the users to share and organize links to websites for instance the Delicious, Digg, and Reddit. Social network sites are the web-based services which enables the individuals to build a public or semi-public profile in a delimited system. The individuals are also able to articulate a list of other users whom they share connection thus being able to navigate through and view their list of connections and those of others in the system. Such sites include Facebook, MySpace, and Windows Live Spaces amongst others (Dewing, 2010). Status-update services are also referred to as micro-blogging services are more like social network sites but they allow individuals to share short updates and also be able to view updates from others. A good example is the twitter services. Virtual world content on the other hand offers a game-like virtual environment for the users to interact. A good example of this would be the imaginary world that is created in Second Life whereby users can create avatars to interact with each other. Avatars are the virtual representations of the users. Media–sharing sites are those which enable the users to post videos or photographs for instance the You Tube and Flickr. It must be noted that some of these categories do overlap for instance twitter can be regarded as both a social network site as well as a stats update service (Dewing, 2010). Social media is capable of affecting the manner in which individuals interact online. Social media is known to open up new ways for cooperation and dialogue in today’s world. Most of the content posted in social media may remain there permanently at least by default. The content may also be accessible, replicable, and searchable. Social media can therefore be used anywhere, and at any moment provided that there is internet connectivity in the area. Such factors are responsible for shaping of the dynamics of the social media. The fact that the players in the social media are usually invisible raises various questions regarding the framework, correctness and unambiguousness regarding the communication. The identity and motives of those who post contents in the social media are not always clear (Dewing, 2010). Evolution of Social Media: The internet became popular in the last two decades and web sites which allowed individuals to create and upload content started appearing with the first network site said to have appeared in 1997 for the first time. The first social network site to be launched was called ‘SixDegrees. com’ and it was followed soon by many others at the turn of the millennium. In 2002, there was an upsurge in the number of social network sites with some surging to popularity only to fade in a little while such as the Friendstar. However, others were able to develop niche communities for instance MySpace appealed to adolescent music enthusiasts (Dewing, 2010). Towards the end of the first decade of the second millennium, social media was widely accepted, for instance; by the year 2009, Facebook made the announcement that its users were well over 350 million worldwide (Dewing, 2010). There are a number of factors that have led to a surge in the social media participation which include technological factors, social factors and economic factors. Technological factors include things such as readily available broadband, improvement in software tools, and the development of more powerful computer and mobile services. Social factors on the other hand include the rapid uptake of social media by the young generation while the economic factors include the growth in commercial interests in the social media sites and affordability of computers and related software (Dewing, 2010). Impacts of Social Media: Since the widespread usage of social media is a recent phenomenon, social and economic implications can only be barely understood. Some quarters hold the belief that social media is causing isolation amongst the people whereas others believe that social media has broaden democratic participation. According to a research conducted by statistics Canada; We should expect neither a dysfunctional society of loners nor a blissful society of happy net-workers. Rather, we are facing a society that is differently cohesive from the one we have known. There do not appear to be any significant differences in the number of social ties or in the amount of social interaction between Internet users and non-users. Instead, the Internet is providing ways of fostering participation with community members and enhancing relationships, including through social media (Dewing, 2010, para 10). Social media has also had economic impacts in regard to the manner in which what is contained in the social media is created and consumed. This can be summed up to the growth in the information and communication sector of the economy. In most economies, growth in this sector of the economy has been tremendous even surpassing the overall economic growth. Many business firms and organizations have also incorporated social media in their marketing strategies (Dewing, 2010). Socio-economic Impacts: The socioeconomic theory appears to be spearheading the deflationary cycle more than the financial or the political economics. Previously, the Keynesian and libertarian theories were believed to be the key players in the deflationary cycle. According to the socio-economic theories, it is claimed that in order for us to get out of the deflationary cycle, there is need to view it as both a sociological and fiscal problem. The solution is therefore to be found in the ground-breaking technology which promises huge profits to be used in investment so as to commence the next boom cycle, and snap the society out of the predicament created by the economic downturn. Social media could play a role in mitigating the damages that arise from the deflationary cycle. It could also be instrumental in the construction of the next opportunities for technological innovations (Fischer, 2009). Understanding the objective economic potential is very crucial and dependant on the revolution of the social media. Social media is known to utilize technology in enhancing the people’s ability to interact with others. Social media is to be found in interaction, connection, trust and relations that are driven by technology. In regard to business, this implies establishment of trust and channels of communication which supports and enables collaboration and building of engaged teams through the removal of barriers and frustrations that were created by conventional structures. Social media particularly in regard to collaboration has the potential to unlock the hidden knowledge in organizations when required. It also lowers the cost of software via open source cooperation, easing the finding of appropriate information, and making organizations to be more responsive. These are however cultural changes that occurs gradually. Nevertheless, the promise for change is there even though it might take much longer time. However, the technological investment that is required to bring about these changes is quite cheaply available (Fischer, 2009). With social media, change is bound to happen. Social media has the prospects of creating more effective organizations via the collaboration, â€Å"providing a greater variety of information services at low cost through mashups and open source, and a lower cost to product and service messaging, when the product and service has great appeal†(Fischer, 2009, para 7). Similarly, social media has detrimental impacts on the established industries. The conventional advertising media has become decreasingly effective due to the increasing numbers of the individuals who are networked and therefore attentive to one another. It is imperative to observe that; Friend of a friend referrals, rating sites or consumer oriented websites will become the norm and rely on their objectivity to maintain trust with their followers, therefore are not as subject to trying to manipulate their audience based on the promise of big advertising revenue (Fischer, 2009, para 8). There is no doubt that manipulation is part of the social media practice though the ability for any individual to broadcast and gain audience to the large network in the social media indicates that it is not an easy task and it is destined to be the exception and not the norm in the long run (Fischer, 2009). The distribution of retail products may also come to the forefront due to the social media influence. Due to the fact that e-commerce has been enhanced in the recent past owing to a revolution in the social media, some social observations have been made in regard to marketing trends for instance, there has been a relation drawn between the trends on how particular products are moved in the market. Such observations may be observed as ‘individuals who bought product X also bought product Y’. Large business organizations may also offer lower prices and utilize the social media to achieve the personal touch, a domain previously associated with small business organizations. This has been geared towards the ‘commodization’ of products that are produced on a large scale and the futuristic markets with the chances of realizing massive profits. The markets of the future are said to be niche markets that would require subject matter expertise and customization (Fischer, 2009). The gains of the social media in economic venture may be offset by the unsettling role associated with it in the conventional industries. In the past, any technological changes would result in obvious and simple routes to massive increases in the production and demand. However, with the social media, increase in productivity and demand over a short time is not palpable due to the fact that it requires cultural changes together with the technological transformations. Eventually, as the cultural changes are realized over time, massive increases in the production may be realized; however, in the short term social media can not be used to provide an obvious path for investment capable of leading to gains in effectiveness and productivity (Fischer, 2009). There is this argument that tightly knit society has the capability to survive economic stress better compared to a loosely knit society. Social media ensures that the world is woven in complex interactions and also offers individuals with something to do when they are not involved in an economic activity. This is motivated by what can be referred to as ‘reputation economics’ which is designed to motivate individuals to engage in activities such as creating open source software, report on events, and many more information services that would have required individuals to pay for before the advent of the internet. This allows for rich content and growth of valuable products to be carried out devoid of investment and yet with returns for instance a â€Å"business entity that hosts their websites on Linux servers or uses open office to create and manage documents† (Fischer, 2009, para 9). To add on the long term effectiveness of the social media which include the creation of complex systems like an operating system at relatively low cost; it could also enable the development of new innovations presenting a clear path that shall increase production and demand. The deflationary cycle that is predicted by the socio-economic theories could only be shortened if only we are able to find out the kind of innovation required and be able to bring it more quickly (Fischer, 2009). Social media is said to provide revenue to both the users and platforms. It has to be noted that social media better known as social computing is a driver for competitiveness. The effects of social computing may be seen on the industry itself for instance, the development in the social media or the information and communication technology sector. It can also be observed in other industries that uses the social computing. There is evidence that â€Å"more targeted marketing and user research which are reliant on user profiles and content interest are opening new channels to markets† (Pascu, 2008, para 11). There are emergent employment possibilities vial social networks and new opportunities to utilize user innovations in developing the products or as an intermediate between organizations and consumers (Pascu, 2008). The impact of social media can not be wished away as insignificant. This is because, faced with the modern reality where social media provides a platform for the consumers, competitors and the market place to discuss products, services and employees. All this is carried out online â€Å"whether it’s a protest group on Facebook (â€Å"United Airlines Sucks! â€Å"), a persistent hashtag on Twitter (#attfail) or just a meme that travels from blogger to Blogger† (Taylor, 2009, para 5). At this juncture, it does not matter as to whether it is of importance to probe into the social networks. What is of importance is whether one is paying attention to the social media where the message has gone to. This means that the customer to the company products is the one to define the brand in the market. This is quite challenging as it means that those organizations with acceptable products are bound to be reap benefits even with minimum branding and marketing strategies whereas those companies that are considered bad by the customers are destined to suffer from a bad reputation even when they spent more money to advertise themselves and try to position themselves as market leaders (Taylor, 2009). It is therefore important for organizations to take time and monitor what is going on in the social media. There are various services at the disposal of whoever would like to monitor the social media which include the individual services such as ‘Search. twitter. com’ and more complicated ones such as ‘Filtrbox’ and ‘Radian 6’. For successful business undertaking, there is need for organizations to embrace the social media which provides an avenue to engage with the customers. Interaction on the social media with the customers is crucial and thus joining these sites for creating new bully pulpits for the organization’s marketing and sales messages without proper interaction with the customers is not commendable (Taylor, 2009). The organizations can not be isolated from the social media as they create a powerful impression with the capability of having a lasting impact that may prove to be hard to change. Accompany with a bad reputation might score poorly even with spirited advertisement due to evaluations that are obtained from the social media. It is therefore important to address the problems that are affecting the organizations one by one rather than spending huge sums of money in advertising the products (Chong, 2010). Conclusion: Social media has been a new discovery in the information and communication sector and that its impacts on the economic development are worthy noting. The economic impacts of social media are two fold and may bring positive results or negative results to a business organization. With social media, the consumers of the company products are able to talk about the products, services and competitors and definitely such discussions are to impact on the business entity either for better or for worse. Social media can therefore have far reaching repercussions on the business organizations in terms of profitability. Reference: Chong, S. , (2010). Nothing Can save Negative Buzz on Twitter. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. penn-olson. com/2010/07/02/nothing-can-save-negative-buzz-on-twitter/. Dewing, M. , (2010). Social Media: 1. An Introduction. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www2. parl. gc. ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/2010-03-e. htm. Fischer, K. , (2009). Exploring the economic impact of social media. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. web20blog. org/2009/03/24/exploring-the-economic-impact-of-social-media/. Pascu, C. , (2008). ERoSC-The Socio-economic Impact of Emerging Social Computing Applications. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://docs. google. com/viewer? a=v&q=cache:dHneLXVRkYgJ:www. foresight-network. eu/index. php%3Foption%3Dcom_docman%26task%3Ddoc_view%26gid%3D352+Economic+Implications+on+Social+Media&hl=en&gl=ke&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShixNJSG5ddAxmDsp3_H0NmsZ-LetSdSeKnGykkb0y_4ruRrW-EstMaeGHfs16v1u66MJlBbpW-WIgVRxtCabedvJWeojTeW4mfj7Z70xD-y31hAWGz7VhQwakzAylysKUUV0NN&sig=AHIEtbRbStc-eBG_GjfGNgsEL-OmZ0oP8g Taylor, D. , (2009). What’s the impact of social media on business growth? Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. intuitive. com/blog/impact_of_social_media_twitter_facebook_business_growth. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Practice Vision Essay

I suppose that it’s exceedingly difficult for any incoming medical student to decide exactly in which areas they would prefer to specialize.   For me, particularly, I feel that the decision has been one that has been extraordinarily difficult to reach.   There is truly a multitude of different areas in which I feel that I have more than sufficient interest to succeed. After quite a bit of time, however, and much careful deliberation and incisive thought, I have reached the conclusion that I would like to do my residency in internal medicine and my fellowship in cardiology.   There are myriad reasons for why I arrived at this conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, and probably foremost, is my innate curiosity and interest in both of these areas of medical study.   I have always been fascinated by the biological functions of the human body and I feel that the study of internal medicine would allow me to take an all-encompassing approach to the study of the body, not limiting myself to one specific area.   The study of cardiology, on the other hand, would allow me to focus my expertise on one specific area that has always intrigued me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, I feel that it would probably be rather foolish, and possibly even negligent, to choose areas of study based exclusively on one’s personal interest.   Instead, I also carefully considered my abilities and feel that I possess a talent-set that would easily lend itself to both fields.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Planning and Budgeting for Women Cancer Foundation Term Paper

Planning and Budgeting for Women Cancer Foundation - Term Paper Example In most states, business registration information is found from the office of the secretary of state. As in the case of this business, the name of the business is Women Cancer Foundation which will be identified by all clients (Miller et al., 2006). The healthcare business also needs exceptional license or authentication which will comprise of an assessment of a background scrutiny on the partners or individuals operating the business. This will be followed by getting into contact with the insurance companies to acquire covers for liability and malpractice. There is no business that can operate or make service decisions without considering the insurance covers taken for the healthcare facility. The insurance and registration charges can be recognized in a budget as constant or fixed costs but can also be charged on a monthly or annual basis (Nah & Osifo-Dawodu, 2007). Another important aspect is the estimation of the probable revenue for the hospital. The source of revenue might incl ude donations from international health non-governmental organizations, patient charges, insurance credits and tax reliefs. Before the services can be priced, all these revenues must be estimated to find the best fair price for the specific services. The policy makers must deduct a fraction of the bills to the patient that might not be collected, charity work anticipated by the health facility and the work it does. Moreover, the expected expenses must be figured out beginning with the visible facility. It must be determined the cost of setting up the structures, the maintenance costs of every department , the utilities and the costs of acquiring special equipment and the amount that will be used per day on each patient. In addition, the costs of maintaining some of the non-medical facilities must be determined which also include advertising g costs. However, care and due diligence must be excised to avoid passing all the costs to the patient with the main intention of accumulating p rofits. There are those cancer patients who cannot meet the costs of medication available given the state of economic recession that hits everyone within the nation (Nah & Osifo-Dawodu, 2007). There are factors to consider when planning and making essential decisions within the healthcare centre. It is required that the management must be familiar with the cost of staff. It must be noted that the staff and other employees who comprise of the consultants and contracts outsourced such as laundry and staffing of nursing need to be paid and given other allowances. The fringe benefits must be determined to ease out the process of budgeting. all the costs of beds, the number of hours worked for every staff and number of hours spent by patients on the beds must be determined inclusive of the costs of replacement of the beds must be factored in the budget and planning process (Wolper, 2004). Most importantly, the costs of expansion must also be factored in. The health care facility must pla n as to whether their facilities might be renovated or new ones put in place. The potential benefits of the expansion must be considered to prevent erecting redundant structures. Thus the revenue must be estimated when doing a plan for the budget. This will also involve space for the parking garage, landscaping costs, window cleaning washing and grounds men. Besides, the funds set aside for emergency services must also be considered to enable the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The use of steroids in major league baseball Essay

The use of steroids in major league baseball - Essay Example In every game, millions of fans attend and cheer for their favorite team and favorite players in Major League Baseball. Fans are awed and fascinated by the sheer talent of the players they so admire. Yet what most don’t know and refuse to acknowledge is that some of these players use steroids, or performance enhancing substances. Because of this the integrity of the game that is held dear by many Americans becomes questionable. Can it still be called sheer talent and skill in the sport when performance enhancing drugs are being used? That is the question that every team owner, officer or administrator, coach, player, and fans must keep in mind. The widespread use of steroids in Major League Baseball indeed is a grave problem that needs to seriously be addressed by baseball officials and the government. Apart from the negative and potentially fatal side effects that the use of steroids poses to the human body, it also encourages young players to use the substance in order to improve their game and qualify in the major leagues (Mitchell, 2007).In an article in USA Today, Rep. Tom Davis, chairman of the House Committee on Government Reform, stated that "college athletes believe they have to consider steroids if they're going to make it to the pros; high school athletes, in turn, think steroids are the key to getting a scholarship. It's time to break that vicious cycle, and it needs to happen from the top down." (as cited in Jenkins, 2005, para. 8). In addition to this, the use of the substance by players to raise and improve their statistics is unjust and unfair to the other players who are honest, hard-working, and just plain talented (Mitchell, 2007). It is unfair for the younger players who are clean to be competing against other athletes who are pumped up with steroids. Again, this makes the validity of baseball records and stats questionable, as the use of steroids enables the player to attain a level of productivity that they would not have been able to achieve using their own talent, efforts, and abilities (Grossman, Kimsey, Moreen, & Owings, n.d.). Indeed, the substance abuse of Steroids in Major league baseball is a form of cheating - the players who use this substance not only cheats their fans, other players, and the league, but they also cheat themselves in believing that it is good for them. The purity and integrity of the game itself is then lost. Steroids Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic substances from testosterone, the primary male hormone responsible for anabolism and catabolism of protein in muscles resulting to increase in muscle mass and reduction of muscle soreness that is normally felt after strenous exercise (Mitchell, 2007). This permits the steroid users, then to exercise more. When steroids are regularly used for a longer period of time, eventually the body develops resistance to the effects of the drug, and larger doses are then needed to achieve the desired effects of the drug. When this occurs, significant adverse effects may arise. As the primary physiologic effect of steroids is to raise testosterone levels, steroid toxicity may result to manic-depression and aggressive behaviors, may contribute to heart attack and stroke, hypogonadism, and infertility (Mitchell, 2007). Steroid abuse may as well result to a severe case of acne as the sebaceous glands are stimulated to hypersecrete oil on the face and body (Mitchell, 2007). In addition to this, it may cause enlargement of the prostate gland, gynecomastia or emlargement of the male breasts, and speeds up the physiologic process of balding in men (Mitchell, 2007). In adolescents, the use of steroids may inhibit the natural growth process as it causes premature fusion of growth plate in the long bones of the legs and arms (Mitchell, 2007). Steroid use has also been claimed to greatly contribute to athletic injuries (Grossman et. al., n.d.)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Childhood Obesity in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Childhood Obesity in Society - Essay Example Causes There are numerous causes for obesity in general and childhood obesity in particular. In each of these, the society seems to have a role, however obscure it may be. The three most important are listed below. Dietary/ Food Habits: The effects of eating habits on childhood obesity are difficult to determine. A three year randomized controlled study of 1,704 3rd grade children which provided two healthy meals a day in combination with an exercise program and dietary counseling failed to show a significant reduction in percentage body fat when compared to a control group. This was partly due to the fact the even though the children believed they were eating less their actually calorie consumption did not decrease with the intervention. At the same time observed energy expenditure remained similar between the groups. This occurred even though dietary fat intake decreased from 34% to 27% (Caballero et al., 2003). A second study of 5,106 children showed similar results. Even though the children eat an improved diet there was no effect found on BMI (Nader et al., 1999). Why these studies did not bring about the desired effect of curbing childhood obesity has been attributed to the interventions not being sufficient e nough. Changes were made primarily in the school environment, whereas it is felt that they must occur in the home, the community, and the school simultaneously to have a significant effect (Kolata, 2007). Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied national beverage consumption patterns for over 73,000 Americans between 1997 and 2001 and found the following: overall calories from sweetened drinks went up... As the report stresses the effects of eating habits on childhood obesity are difficult to determine. A three year randomized controlled study of 1,704 3rd grade children which provided two healthy meals a day in combination with an exercise program and dietary counseling failed to show a significant reduction in percentage body fat when compared to a control group. This was partly due to the fact the even though the children believed they were eating less their actually calorie consumption did not decrease with the intervention. At the same time observed energy expenditure remained similar between the groups. According to the research findings the popular thinking is that diet sodas help people to lose weight, since they are low in calories, data from the San Antonio Heart Study found that the more diet soda a person drinks the greater is the likelihood that he or she will become overweight or obese. ‘On an average, for each diet soft drink our participants drank per day, they were 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years and 41 percent more likely to become obese,’ said Sharon Fowler, MPH, faculty associate in the division of clinical epidemiology at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio. Other, more recent unpublished findings from Fowler back this up. While parents and schools may need to do a better job of promoting regular exercise and better dietary choices, the viral distribution of these soft drinks doesn’t help.

China Specialty Coffee Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

China Specialty Coffee Industry - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the existence and mere survival of an industry lie in its ability to effectively respond to the internal and external influences. It is irrefutable that business organizations' strategies mirror their unique responses to the external challenges and opportunities in the environment which, in turn, is facilitated by their internal resources and competencies. This paper will concentrate on the responses of the China specialty coffee industry to the various internal and external influences that it currently faces. Recognizing that this sector can be properly examined through the use of different strategic management tools, this report will be utilizing famous technique PEST Analysis for the external environment scanning. Meanwhile, the internal environment will be assessed through the identification of its various stakeholders through the Porter's Five Forces Model. The next section will focus on the Chinese specialty coffee market responses in the face of social and cultural diversity. This report will thoroughly examine the impact of the social and cultural trends in the industry's strategies while assessing the efficacy if their responses. Lastly, recommendations for improvement will be identified. Gaining the traditional recognition of being a tea country, marketers are aggressively and strategically transforming China into a coffee drinking nation. From its strong preference of" jasmine, oolong, green, black, and myriads of other fragrant teas the Chinese mainland is becoming more and more attuned to the rich flavor of the coffee bean, driven by the urban savvy rich and an increasingly wealthy middle class more receptive to Western taste". The current perception of coffee as a statement of fashion leads to the creation of the China coffee industry. Coffee consumption has always been associated with a cosmopolitan lifestyle which originated from the Western nations. Thus, the Chinese coffee market is largely concen trated in large cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou and is dominated by adventurous, young, open-minded, affluent, urban consumers.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The global automobile industry - an analysis of General Motors Case Study

The global automobile industry - an analysis of General Motors - Case Study Example General Motors has survived major economic whirlwinds that have rocked the United States and the global automobile industry. However, the company has had its fair share of challenges, some of which have threatened is very existence. Despite the good financial statistics that General Motors Corporation has posted over the years, it is worth noting that the company has faced a number of challenges, considering the dynamic nature of the automobile industry (Fear, 2004). However, the company has not attained its optimal performance because of two separate incidents of bankruptcy claims. In addition, General Motors has had to repossess most of its cars in the United States after widespread claims of faulty ignition systems. Both of these factors have affected the financial performance of GMC tremendously. Besides, General Motors faces stiff competition from a number of automobile companies with huge market shares in the United States. General Motors survived bankruptcy in 2009 after receiving help from the federal government. In essence, General Motors was on the verge of collapsing because it had closed Saturn, Hummer, and Pontiac brands. This move came at a time when General Motors had already closed its Saab brand, which was a Swedish brand. GM’s shareholders felt the hitch because they could not access the assets of the firm in some countries, especially in Europe and Asia. General Motors had a new positive twist in 2010 because it reverted to its old symbol on the New York Stock Exchange (Smolinsky, 2011). During the same year, GM traded its shares in the Toronto Stock Exchange. The company performed well throughout the year at the New York Stock Exchange after an initial public offering (IPO) of $23 billion at $33per share. The filing of bankruptcy by General Motors took the country a step back by a total of $ billion that was used to bail out the company. Indeed, GM’s bankruptcy affected the U.S. economy in a negative way because the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded Essay

That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow. Consider knowledge issues raised by this statem - Essay Example Back in 1917, Albert Einstein is seen to have introduced a theory in which he proposed that the universe was essentially static in nature. This theory was taken seriously by most astronomers and various scientists and upheld as being the acceptable knowledge. However, this theory has recently been proven to be entirely wrong and a new theory has been developed alluding to the fact that the universe is not static in nature. Throughout human history, development and civilization, this has generally been the trend, as the development of new knowledge is seen to constantly cause the old accepted knowledge to be discarded. This however begs the question of does new knowledge always happen to cause the older knowledge to be discarded? Does the development of new knowledge automatically cause the older knowledge to be considered as being useless? Human beings are generally able to gain knowledge by the use of various means such as the use of sense perception, language, reason and emotion. T he gaining of new information in human beings is often seen to be so automatic that it is largely considered to be quite difficult for someone to be able to stop this process. It is by the acquisition of this new knowledge that humans resort to discarding the old knowledge in favor of the new knowledge that they happen to have gained (International Baccalaureate Organization 13-20). The incessant thirst and quest by man to gain new knowledge is seen to lend claim to the postulation that no system is ever completely understood, no picture is ever complete and there is no explanation that is ever sufficiently finalized. This fact is exemplified by the fact that our most established paradigms such as the Theory of Gravity are still seen to be referred to as being theories. This aspect is seen to convey the idea that this existing knowledge might, and will most likely eventually be replaced by a deeper understanding. As we continue to try and burrow deeper in an attempt to gain an in-de pth understanding, we are able to constantly find a number of new patterns that serve to contradict the acceptable truth that we thought we knew pertaining to the system that we happen to be observing. While some of these new truths and details cause us to essentially fine tune our existing theories, they sometimes however force us to replace these old theories with a wholly new theory. Various historical discoveries are seen to constantly cause us to modify our currently acceptable human knowledge. Perhaps one of the illustrations that I find to be most interesting in the illustration of this aspect is the effect of the continuous discovery of new, and previously undiscovered human fossils. By the early years of the 20th century, the larger part of the world’s leading anatomists believed that the earliest humans evolved and developed somewhere in either Asia or in Europe. By this time, the fossil remains of the Neanderthal man had recently been discovered in Europe and there had also been some claims of the discovery of the fossil remains of the Java man in Indonesia as well as the Piltdown man remains in England. While these remains were seen to be quite primitive it was evident that they closely resembled modern human beings and it is this aspect that helped in lending credence to validity. However a fossil discovery in South Africa in 1924 was seen to critically challenge the acceptable knowledge and view of an Eurasian cradle for mankind. An Australian scientist working in Johannesburg received two boxes of rocks that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Role of the judiciary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Role of the judiciary - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The American constitution stipulates that the main function of the nation’s foreign policy is to protect and reinforce the position of the United States as a sovereign and independent state. The history of the American constitution in terms of Foreign Affairs The U. S. constitution, as documented by the nation’s Founding Fathers, stated that it was the nation’s aim to assume ‘the earth’s powers, equal to the rules of nature as were intended by God’ (Chomsky, 2004). Essentially, all other rules, including those that dictate foreign policy, have to observe this objective in all attempts to adopt stances of foreign policy as well as shared power. All regulations concerning the American foreign policy are formed through consultations between the nation’s Commander-in-Chief, executive and legislative branches. Even in the days of the first president of America, George Washington, there were difficulties in creating a releva nt, consistent, and practical foreign policy. Theoretically, the creation of foreign policy ought to correspond with the objectives of national interest. The federal government’s position, as one of the factors that contribute towards the formation of foreign policy, stems from the Supremacy Clause; which stipulates that Federal law is the supreme law in America and even precludes state law. The American constitution was first formed by the founding fathers as a contract of a revolutionary tobacco democracy which was led by an enlightened pseudo-government made up of merchants, paramilitary planters, and lawyers (Murray, 2013). The first American government, which was headed by George Washington, wanted to ensure that the new young nation would be able to survive in spite of the existence of powerful opponents in the European continent. In those early years, American foreign policy was aimed towards ensuring that the new nation avoided potential conflicts with European superp owers while also establishing itself as an autonomous member of the then group of free nations. This would be hard to accomplish as the nation was crafted out of a bloody conflict with the then greatest power, the United Kingdom, and had a weak and disorganized army. The United States also came into existence at a time when there was no organization, such as an international court, to arbitrate between warring nations. War was considered as being the only honorable method of solving serious disputes. In the late 1700s, only the self-interested sovereign nations were recognized as the major principalities on the international stage. When it was first formed, the American constitution worked alongside congressional powers to standardize commerce with other states, to sustain the armed forces, and create government regulations to oversee immigration and naturalization clauses. The ‘Articles of Confederation’ was America's primary constitution, and was confirmed in 1781. Th is was a time when the nation was merely a disorganized confederation of thirteen states, each of which were conducting themselves as nations in their own right (Brzezinski, 2004). America’s national government was made up of a congress and a singular legislature. The Articles of Confederation allocated to congress the abilities to oversee the running of foreign affairs, the regulation of national currency, and determination of all issues to do with war. Moreover, these activities were limited

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

'The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very Essay

'The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right and were it l - Essay Example Press became a part of the commercial community in America (Conboy, 2002, p. 43). Sensationalism over the facts was a method by which readership of the newspapers was increased and also played a significant role in modifying public opinion. â€Å"Yellow Journalism† became an important style of reporting (U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895-1898, n.d.). This paper deals with the question â€Å"how important were newspapers in the United States in the 19th  century?† Social changes in Europe: Its validity in the context of contemporary USA The Nineteenth century saw the birth of a new Europe. Political and social changes occurred within the system of the continent and this change involved the common mass. The working class of the European countries was subjected to the ruling patriarchal system in which the government decided the right and wrong for the society. The population of each country was treated as subjects who were considered incapable of taking decisio ns and maximizing their own profits. The government took decisions for them that a father would take decision for his child. These decisions were imposed upon them from the outside and maximized the benefit of the government. This pattern of system was questioned with the onset of Liberalism in Europe. Changes in relationship between the government and its people The change in the social system made provisions for the commoners to read and write. They were given access to newspapers which helped them to get elaborate information about the happenings in the society. The common people got the chance to enter the political system and started to have access to political tracts. The establishment of the railways enabled the people to move from one place to another. This was a huge turning point. The freedom of movement of the people across different places allowed them to change their patrons and take employment from the employers of their own choice. In a nut shell, the commoners learnt to safeguard their own interests, make decisions of their own and would not again be subjected to the patriarchal system of government (Hamerow, 1983, p. 119). Edward Carrington was â€Å"a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1786 to 1788† (â€Å"Jefferson’s preference for â€Å"newspapers without government† over â€Å"government without newspapers†, 1787) sent by Thomas Jefferson. In this convention were the delegates that came from the colonies that later constituted the body to govern the United States of America. During this time, Jefferson expressed the importance of the press and its existence to Carrington in one of his letters. He emphasized â€Å"that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them† (â€Å"Jefferson’s preference for â€Å"newspapers without government† over â€Å"government without newspapers†, 1787). Jefferson would prefer to have efficient newspapers without a government in the country. The newspapers would act as effective mode of communication and transfer of information which were the most important necessities for having a stable nation. In his strong opinion, if the government becomes inattentive towards the interests of the public, they become exploitative and the commoners are subjected to exploitation. In this context, it has been aptly described that â€Å"man is the only animal which devours his own kind† (Amendment I (Speech and Press), 1787) and the poor becomes the prey of the richer classes. His radical insights probed into the character of the government and

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Islamic Civilization Essay Example for Free

The Islamic Civilization Essay During the post classical era, we find the world evolving by expansion and intense communication along many regions. With expansion and communication, trade and culture travels such as West Africa being introduced to Islam. Moving into western African, between 1000ce-1450ce, the introduction of Islam has brought a great increase in slave trade and rose literacy rates, creating literate officials in state administration. However, no rigorous conversion was made, some traditional practices remained. The increase of slaves was obtained through conquest and the impact of Islam created religious power to officials in state administration due to appeal of legitimacy of rule. However distant ruling centers would be least likely affected by Islam. West Africa’s economy was greatly stimulated by the appearance of Islam. They were able to trade, not only across the Sahara, as they had in Europe and the Middle East. Prior to the influence of Islam, West Africa interacted through regional trade and with help from Tran Saharan route they were able to connect to North Africa. With the Muslims, the bringing of Islam enlarged the amount of concubines, sex slaves, in West Africa. Although concubines were not Muslim, because Muslims believed that they couldn’t enslave their own people. We see that within Muslim ancestry they’ve always been nomadic, always relocating in spite of gaining new resources. The establishment of Islam led to the development of 1st regular trade across the Sahara. The impact of Islam turned Africa into a focal point of trade, linking Africa to Eurasian world trade. The Islamic Civilization gave rise to many centers of culture and science, producing notable doctors, nurses, scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, and philosophers. Monarchies and their courts now have literate officials to assist in state administration. A quantity of West African cities had become centers of Islamic intellectual life, increasing literacy rates and legitimacy in state administration. Muslims did not seek to convert West Africans; they did practice their religion while traveling. As time passed Muslim traders were accompanied by Clerics and scholars, these men interacted with local rulers on matter relating to trade, security, and governing. Until the leader of the kingdom converted, with full support would influence citizens to convert to Islam. Although Islam made a very large impression on West Africa, no through religious transformation was made. Being the fact they were rural there was no interaction with Muslims or deepening influence of Islam. Practice such as permission for women to appear in public almost naked, being able to roam freely with unrelated men and the sparkling of dust on one’s head as a sign of respect. Other traditions also remained even though some converted to Islam due to the monotheistic belief related so closely to their belief in one creator God. While in West Africa, Islam rose slave trade along trade routes, increased literacy rates leading to conversion of literate state officials. Albeit, no religious transformation was made. Being the fact that Muslims were nomadic by ancestry they sought to carry out concubines in the slave trade. They believed that it was wrong to enslave their own people so they looked to Africans, their resource, to help them. In effect to the introduction of Islam, many aspects were imposed upon West Africans causing the conversion of monarchy. People found favor in Islam if the leader of the kingdom converted. Also religious legitimacy was brought to the attention of those who would gain status by pilgrimages to Mecca. But aside from the very large impact, no religious transformation was made because most of the cultures were rural and very distant to the places where Islam had interactions with.

Individual Assignment and Chart Essay Example for Free

Individual Assignment and Chart Essay Curriculum history is important to educators just as the general history of a country is important to historians and politicians. Much can be learned from the successes and the failures of the past. Traditional education in Japan follows societal norms in stressing respect for order and for group goals. The schools stress self-evaluation, hard work, and organization. Schools actively teach morals and values in order to develop individuals of character that will function in society as educated and moral. Japanese formal education in began with adherence to Buddhism and Confucianism. Later, studies in sciences were added, and Japan slowly began to adopt more western styles of education. Briefly, the schools were used as military and nationalistic training grounds during WWI and WWII (Hood, 2001). Over the last fifty years, schools in Japan have been evolving further. After WWII, a call to return to leadership and societal welfare in education was initiated. Schools were strictly centered around community goals and common curriculums. In the 1980s, unfortunately, an increase in youth violence began to worry Japanese citizens about their future. Focus turned to the morals based education of centuries before. In the late 1990s, the cold war era was over. The Ministry felt as if they could relax the six day long weeks and long days (Japan, 2006). Part of this change in philosophy could be due to changes in competition for universities. Previously, competition for admission into Japanese universities was cutthroat, but now, with a reduction in the number of children being born, schools are competing for students (Hood, 2001). In a way, this has given students more power to seek the types of education they most need. In addition, Japan is also loosening its governmental hold on curriculum and allowing from more flexibility in curriculum through site-based decision-making (Komatsu, 2002). Schools are now able to select textbooks from a group of sources. Recently, controversy has arisen as to which history textbooks to choose. In 1997, a group was formed to create and market a revision of Japanese history for incorporation into school history textbooks. This group was primarily interested in revising the presentation of Japan’s execution of militaristic procedures. Unfortunately, even with its widespread promotion efforts, the revised textbook failed to gain a foothold in Japanese schools. Only a few private schools in one small area of Tokyo was willing to give the book a chance (Masalksi, 2002). Not all things in Japan’s educational system are open to change. Before, Japanese teachers had very little autonomy in determining what they would teach even though they held positions of high respect in the community. Now, individual schools and teachers will be able to decide on curriculum issues that best meet the needs of their students. â€Å"The general principle of curriculum organisation is changing from the idea of providing a common education for all children to one of providing different education for various children† (Komatsu, 2002, p. 53). The 2002 Rainbow Plan mirrors the change in philosophy towards more democratic ideals. The government is continuing to relinquish more control to the schools’ local administrations (Japan, 2006). In the future, Japanese education will continue to follow Western trends. One such trend will be in technology and information. While Japan is a world leader in electronics technology, its individual and student use of the internet lags behind. This is primarily because 80% of the internet content is in English. As a result, Japanese students need to be learning both spoken and written English and how to use the internet at younger ages (McCarty, 2000). Clearly, Japanese education will begin to include more intensive English and computer technology classes in early education for its students. Another trend in Japanese education must certainly be increased funding for higher education. Even though the number of teenagers in Japan is lower, over 40 % of them do attend universities. However, government funding for universities is low. Dr. Akito Arima, former Minister of Education, notes that while the United States spends about one percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on educational funding, Japan spends less than half of one percent in the same manner. However, Japan is second only to the United States in the number of students who attend college. The funding for private universities is even lower, even though 75% of college students attend private universities. â€Å"In this respect, one should note the contradiction between the high proportion of people who move on to higher education, and the low public expenditure ratio. This demonstrates that university education in Japan is seriously under-funded† (Arima, 2002). If college education remains under-funded, many secondary students may turn away from it, thinking that it has less to offer than before. If birth rates should rise in the future, this burden will become more pronounced. Funding will definitely have to be initiated in order to keep young students setting college educations as their goal. Ironically, the US and Japan seem to be crossing each other in the middle of the curriculum spectrum. While Japan is recognizing the individuality of each student and allowing him to seek his own educational goals with flexible programs of study, the US is getting much more rigid with the enactment of NCLB and strict state testing plans and pacing guides. One might wonder if the US will notice a similar increase in youth discontent as a result.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The effects of rape on victims

The effects of rape on victims Irina Anderson explores the current rape perception of both male and female rape and whether the respondents gender affects this perception in a journal article called What is a typical rape? Effects of victims and participants gender in female and male perception which was published in The British Journal of Social Psychology. This article also investigates the cultural lag theory of male rape. The findings in this study demonstrate that, contrary to predictions made at the start of the article, when asked to describe a typical rape, male and female, it was the stranger rape stereotype that was the prevailing way most used to describe this. It was also shown that instead of lagging behind female rape according to the stranger-acquaintance dimension, male rape was conceptualized in terms of other factor, for example sexual orientation, which were often deemed homophobic. I found this journal article interesting and accessible to read. After reading the hypothesis proposed at the begi nning of the article, I was intrigued to see that many of the predictions were in fact proved false at the end of the article, for example it was predicted that when asked to describe a typical rape participants would describe an acquaintance rape where as in previous years the stranger rape stereotype was the way most described a typical rape. However the results of this study show that in fact the stranger rape stereotype is still the predominant way people imagine a typical rape. This led me to question how much rape perception has actually changed in our society. I also found that both the aims and findings of the research were clear, accurate and relevant; they were clearly laid out and overall I found the article effortless to read. In addition the acknowledgment of the limitation to the research enhanced the article. The article begins by giving a brief summary of previous studies and research which has been carried out to investigate the same research topic. The ideas of acquaintance rape, where the victim is raped by someone known to them e.g. boyfriend, date, relative, friend, and stranger rape stereotype, where the victim is raped by someone unknown to them, are introduced and the ideas surrounding them are discussed. For example acquaintance rape is usually expected to happen indoors and the victim having spent time with the perpetrator prior to the rape. In contrast stranger rape is expected to happen outdoors, usually at night where the victim is grabbed, overpowered and raped. Date rape s also briefly discussed and used to support predictions that rape perceptions has changed considerably in the last few years due to increased media coverage of the topic. The issue of male rape is then raised and questions are raised such as are men raped in the same circumstances as women? It is describe d as more frequent phenomenon than previously believed. The ignorance and disbelief surrounding male rape creates myths and misconceptions in society for example Most men who are raped are homosexuals. This makes some researchers believe that male rape perception is lagging behind that of female rape, that is current male rape perception is at the stage female rape perception was at years ago in terms of the knowledge people have of it. I believe the author has succeeded in successfully introducing the research topic and conveying the main aims of the research. The one possible fault I have for the introduction is that the author does not discuss why she feels the topic of research is important and why she decided to carry out the study. I believe this would enhance the article even more for the reader. In the method section of this article Anderson explains in detail how the study was carried out. She describes how one hundred and nineteen undergraduate students were asked to take part; she also lists their gender and ethnicity. The participants were asked to describe what they believe to be a typical rape. Both male and female were included. The gender of the participant and the gender of the victim were the independent variables. Participants were assigned randomly so that women could be assigned to either a female rape or a male rape. Similarly men could be assigned to either female rape or male rape. They were asked to include details that led to the incident, details of the incident itself and details following the rape. Characteristics of the victims and the perpetrator including feelings and thoughts were also asked for. Anderson then moves on to describe how these accounts of typical rapes given by participants were analyzed. She describes the coding manuals given to coders who must sort the participants text into text which adhere to characteristics of the stranger rape stereotype and those which describe an acquaintance rape. This is the most important section of the article; any deficiencies would undermine the validity of the results. The only deficiency I could locate in this section was the fact that all the participants were university students; however the author recognizes this as a limitation at the conclusion of the article. Overall I found this section of the article to give a very comprehensive account of how the study was carried out. It covers all aspects that are important to the aims of the article. In my opinion the results section of this article is excellent. The findings are clearly laid out for the reader. Headings help divide the finding into different sections for example testing hypothesis 1 and frequency of category use in female rape. These headings also help list the results in terms of the original research question and predictions given at the beginning of the article. Tables are also used which illustrate different types of categories of description used by participants and the number of female and male who used these categories. Direct quotations are also inserted to give the reader insight into the types of descriptions participants gave which I found very interesting e.g.: due to the physical difficulty of male rape the perpetrator would typically be larger and stronger than the victim. The author acknowledges the results do not match the predictions made at the beginning and explains the possible reasons for this by stating perhaps researchers presumption that societies rape perception has evolved is in fact false and perhaps our perceptions have not progressed as much as it was thought. The cultural lag theory of male rape was only partly supported by the findings. Although female rape was described more in terms of acquaintance rape than male rape, the other aspect of the theory, that male rape would be described in terms of stranger rape stereotype more than female rape, was not supported. In fact many other factors played a part in the description of male rape such as penetration, the rapists strength and power over the victim and the victims shame and humiliation. Thus proving that female and male rapes are conceptualized along different continuums. The results overall highlight the importance of periodically examining rape perception and the effects of gender. The discussion section addresses the main findings of the article and any new information gained which can be added onto previous information discovered in previous research. Anderson discusses the reasons behind the participants which described a typical rape in terms of the stranger rape stereotype. It is here blame attributions are discussed. Anderson notes it is a possibility that participant didnt write more about acquaintance rape as they assumed the victim would therefore be more blameworthy. This is strengthened by the fact that women, when describing a female rape, used the stranger rape theory more than men and similarly men, when describing a male rape, used the stranger rape stereotype more than women. This perhaps proves that when writing about a victim of their own gender they preferred the stranger rape stereotype as they believed it would steer the blame away from the victim. In my opinion this article contains all the key elements of a good journal article. From the beginning the author explains clearly the key arguments and main points of the text. She also includes relevant background information and makes concrete predictions. The method and results of the study are clearly laid out and are easy to follow. Another aspect covered in the text is the acknowledgment of its limitations. Any good journal article is aware of the limitations of the findings and in this article they are clear. The way in which male rape is discussed is quite interesting as it not a subject many articles discuss. The idea of the lag theory was also remarkable, that the situation of male rape perception in society today was that of female rape years ago. Also the fact that males themselves described male rape in a homophobic and mocking tone intrigued me. For example, one of the two bufties edge towards the lone man. One of the very few limitations in this text is that all the p articipants were students from one university, a population which may be more aware of rape than the general population. It is noted that a study of the perceptions of rape held by police, medical personnel and juries may enhance findings in the future. Another fault I have with this article is that I believe the author should go into more detail on why she thinks this research is important and why she decided to conduct this study. In addition, while reading the findings of this research it struck me that another reason the majority of participants chose a scenario which adheres to the stranger rape stereotype is they may feel under stress to give certain answer or they may try to please the researchers by giving the answer they believe the researchers desire. In conclusion, I found this article to be comprehensive, relevant and interesting. All main ideas are clearly stated and concrete predictions are made from the start. The results examine the effects of gender in rape conceptualization and the importance of examining male rape alongside female rape to gain further insight into the differences in gender perception. A broader source of participants is acknowledged as a future improvement that could be made to studies such as these. The results section of the paper is, to me, the most impressive section. The findings are examined in a concise manner, taking particular notice of the reasons the results contradict the predictions made at the start. Overall I think this is an excellent example of a psychological journal article, it adheres to all the guidelines which helps make a journal article impressive and overall I found it hard to fault

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Use Of Merit Pay And Incentives Essay -- essays research papers

The Use of Merit Pay and Incentives The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of Merit Pay and Incentives as motivators for increased productivity. The key focus is the system at Richmond Memorial Hospital. To do so, one must begin at the beginning†¦.. The use of financial incentives (financial rewards) paid to workers whose production exceeds some predetermined standard was popularized by Frederick Taylor in the late 1800s. As a supervisory employee of the Midvale Steel Company, he had become concerned with what he called "systematic soldiering". This was the tendency of employees to work at the slowest pace possible and the fact that some of these same workers still had the energy to run home and work on their cabins, even after a hard 12-hour day. Taylor knew that if he could find some way to harness this energy during the workday, huge productivity gains would be achieved (REFERENCE?). Thus was born the concept of motivational and incentive systems. What is "motivation?" The root word is "move" which would mean that anyone who is moved to do something is motivated. Therefore, sitting on a tack, or at least the pain associated with it is a motivator. For those of us in Graduate School, we are aware that without a "B" average we will be eliminated from the program. Maintaining that average is our motivator. Attaining the certificate of graduation is our incentive. In psychology, at its most basic, a motivator is that which impels or compels an individual to act toward meeting a need. On a physiological level, thirst, hunger and sex are motivators or drives. They are basic needs which must be met. Relating this to a hospital environment, it is not base compensation which drives the employee, but what the base compensation can satisfy in a higher level of needs. Money can't buy love, but it can buy some security such as insurance benefits. After basic and security needs are met, compensation is not the motivator, but what compensation represents is (REFERENCE?). One statement that must be made before continuing is that needs are varied and can occur concurrently or over a period of hours or days, etc. And, needs are mixed. Hunger is a drive: The satisfaction of hunger can take several forms and, usually, when one is hungry one also is a little thirsty. Then, if the book, Tom Jones (AUTHOR, YEAR), was any indica... ...endations based on sustained performance (REFERENCE?). Another type of pay system is Pro-Pay where employees can receive lump sum merit bonuses once they reach the top of their pay range and is only paid for above average performance (REFERENCE?). Star/Superstar programs are where employees who represent the top ten percent of performers receive lump sum bonuses. Along with a Pay for Performance system, there must also be in place a incentive system. (Grossman, YEAR?). Pay perform & prod (next lines) (INCOMPLETE SENTENCE) "Many US business owners are finding that turning to incentive programs is a good way to boost productivity and improve morale† (REFERENCE- NEED PAGE NUMBER FOR DIRECT QUOTE).. A properly structured incentive-driven system (IDS) provides several methods and levels of compensation. All IDS systems must be tailored to each organization. What works in a hospital may not work in academia (Dressler, YEAR?). It is usually a mistake to implement an incentive plan without input from employees. Management should use a program design team composed of employees and supervisors. They could work with Human Resources in the development of The Use Of Merit Pay And Incentives Essay -- essays research papers The Use of Merit Pay and Incentives The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of Merit Pay and Incentives as motivators for increased productivity. The key focus is the system at Richmond Memorial Hospital. To do so, one must begin at the beginning†¦.. The use of financial incentives (financial rewards) paid to workers whose production exceeds some predetermined standard was popularized by Frederick Taylor in the late 1800s. As a supervisory employee of the Midvale Steel Company, he had become concerned with what he called "systematic soldiering". This was the tendency of employees to work at the slowest pace possible and the fact that some of these same workers still had the energy to run home and work on their cabins, even after a hard 12-hour day. Taylor knew that if he could find some way to harness this energy during the workday, huge productivity gains would be achieved (REFERENCE?). Thus was born the concept of motivational and incentive systems. What is "motivation?" The root word is "move" which would mean that anyone who is moved to do something is motivated. Therefore, sitting on a tack, or at least the pain associated with it is a motivator. For those of us in Graduate School, we are aware that without a "B" average we will be eliminated from the program. Maintaining that average is our motivator. Attaining the certificate of graduation is our incentive. In psychology, at its most basic, a motivator is that which impels or compels an individual to act toward meeting a need. On a physiological level, thirst, hunger and sex are motivators or drives. They are basic needs which must be met. Relating this to a hospital environment, it is not base compensation which drives the employee, but what the base compensation can satisfy in a higher level of needs. Money can't buy love, but it can buy some security such as insurance benefits. After basic and security needs are met, compensation is not the motivator, but what compensation represents is (REFERENCE?). One statement that must be made before continuing is that needs are varied and can occur concurrently or over a period of hours or days, etc. And, needs are mixed. Hunger is a drive: The satisfaction of hunger can take several forms and, usually, when one is hungry one also is a little thirsty. Then, if the book, Tom Jones (AUTHOR, YEAR), was any indica... ...endations based on sustained performance (REFERENCE?). Another type of pay system is Pro-Pay where employees can receive lump sum merit bonuses once they reach the top of their pay range and is only paid for above average performance (REFERENCE?). Star/Superstar programs are where employees who represent the top ten percent of performers receive lump sum bonuses. Along with a Pay for Performance system, there must also be in place a incentive system. (Grossman, YEAR?). Pay perform & prod (next lines) (INCOMPLETE SENTENCE) "Many US business owners are finding that turning to incentive programs is a good way to boost productivity and improve morale† (REFERENCE- NEED PAGE NUMBER FOR DIRECT QUOTE).. A properly structured incentive-driven system (IDS) provides several methods and levels of compensation. All IDS systems must be tailored to each organization. What works in a hospital may not work in academia (Dressler, YEAR?). It is usually a mistake to implement an incentive plan without input from employees. Management should use a program design team composed of employees and supervisors. They could work with Human Resources in the development of

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Transition Of Public Management in America Essay -- Public Managem

The Transition Of Public Management: 2000s A puzzling question is what can be expected from public management and public managers in the new millennium? What are the important issues such as regulatory reform, public sector budgeting, human resources management, strategic policymaking, ethics, and corruption, now and in the future? Will the alternative to government delivery of service be privatization? The concepts of Rational Administration, Accountability, Planning, Control, Budgeting and Financial management are major factors in the future of this nation and the world. Having a well managed public sector and having America function at peek efficiency seems to be the goal of public management but there are obstacles that are a constant plague in trying to reach this goal. This analysis is an attempt to help understand what may happen in Public Management in the future and why. (Ott) Many Public Service Organizations are trying to make privatization the major method of handling daily mundane operations such as environmental management, building maintenance, methods of transportation, administrative task, etc. â€Å"The Privatization of Public Service: Lessons from Case Studies" report was researched and written by Eliott Sclar, a professor of urban planning at Cornell University. Many FPE locals are familiar with Dr. Sclar and his work on dispelling the myths of privatization. The report follows three examples of public sector privatization over a four-year period: vehicle maintenance in Albany, N.Y., state highway maintenance in Massachusetts and vehicle maintenance in Indianapolis. The research shows that in Albany and Massachusetts there was no evidence that contracting saved money or improved service quality. I... ...r/ib/2000/041200.htm) Irving B. Harris, Graduate School of Public Policy Studies. Public Management. On line. Available: ( OECD programme on Public Management and Governance (PUMA). Home Page. Online. Available: ( J. Steven Ott, Albert C. Hyde, Jay M. Shafritz. Public Management: The Exxential Readings. Lyceum Books/Nelson-Hall 1991 Privatization of Health Care Position Statement. Online. Available: ( Rational Expectations -- Fresh Ideas that Challenge Some Established Views of Policy Making 1977 Annual Report essay. Online. Available: ( The Privatization of Public Service. Home page. On line. Available: ( The Transition Of Public Management in America Essay -- Public Managem The Transition Of Public Management: 2000s A puzzling question is what can be expected from public management and public managers in the new millennium? What are the important issues such as regulatory reform, public sector budgeting, human resources management, strategic policymaking, ethics, and corruption, now and in the future? Will the alternative to government delivery of service be privatization? The concepts of Rational Administration, Accountability, Planning, Control, Budgeting and Financial management are major factors in the future of this nation and the world. Having a well managed public sector and having America function at peek efficiency seems to be the goal of public management but there are obstacles that are a constant plague in trying to reach this goal. This analysis is an attempt to help understand what may happen in Public Management in the future and why. (Ott) Many Public Service Organizations are trying to make privatization the major method of handling daily mundane operations such as environmental management, building maintenance, methods of transportation, administrative task, etc. â€Å"The Privatization of Public Service: Lessons from Case Studies" report was researched and written by Eliott Sclar, a professor of urban planning at Cornell University. Many FPE locals are familiar with Dr. Sclar and his work on dispelling the myths of privatization. The report follows three examples of public sector privatization over a four-year period: vehicle maintenance in Albany, N.Y., state highway maintenance in Massachusetts and vehicle maintenance in Indianapolis. The research shows that in Albany and Massachusetts there was no evidence that contracting saved money or improved service quality. I... ...r/ib/2000/041200.htm) Irving B. Harris, Graduate School of Public Policy Studies. Public Management. On line. Available: ( OECD programme on Public Management and Governance (PUMA). Home Page. Online. Available: ( J. Steven Ott, Albert C. Hyde, Jay M. Shafritz. Public Management: The Exxential Readings. Lyceum Books/Nelson-Hall 1991 Privatization of Health Care Position Statement. Online. Available: ( Rational Expectations -- Fresh Ideas that Challenge Some Established Views of Policy Making 1977 Annual Report essay. Online. Available: ( The Privatization of Public Service. Home page. On line. Available: (

Biogenetics - The Dangers of Biogenetically Engineered Organisms :: Biology Environment Ecology Essays

Biogenetics - The Dangers of Biogenetically Engineered Organisms As I sit here at my desk in front of my computer contemplating what to write about, I look out of the window and watch the bees at work around the large bush that has flowered in front of my house.They busily go from one tiny flower to the next looking for nectar and exchanging pollen. Occasionally one will fly away presumably to inform other bees at the hive about the location and abundance of this bush.More bees arrive to help in the gathering of nectar while others leave to deliver their bounty. Each bee is an integral part of a hive, a biological system.Each bee is also an important part of a larger system, an ecosystem and in turn each ecosystem is part of a grand system, the environment that we live in, also known as the planet Earth.Odd that such tiny little creatures, who seem oblivious to all but the flowers they are buzzing, could be part of such a large system.Even more amazing is the effect they have on this system.If not for the bees more than 30% of the plan ts and vegetables we take for granted would never be able to reproduce.In turn many of the animals we depend on for food, clothing, companionship and love would never survive.If the animal that we rely on died then most assuredly we, or most of us, would die in a matter of months.Now that little creature looks much larger and more important to me than it did just 5 minutes ago. Odd how such a small factor can have such a large effect on an equation isn’t it? Throughout the world this very important and delicate balance goes on, as do millions of others every day each affecting the other and yet at the end of the day they manage to balance each other out.As educated and well-informed people many times we may look at a system and think that we understand its intricacies but do we?And even if we do, do we have the right to change the way it works just to suit our needs?This is the question I will address in this paper and hopefully get you, the reader, to think about what we as a collective are doing and are about to do with the knowledge that we posses.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pricing Strategies

Penetration Pricing Price set to ‘penetrate the market’ ‘Low’ price to secure high volumes Typical in mass market products – chocolate bars, food stuffs, household goods, etc. Suitable for products with long anticipated life cycles May be useful if launching into a new marketMarket Skimming High price, Low volumes Skim the profit from the market Suitable for products that have short life cycles or which will face competition at some point in the future (e.g. after a patent runs out) Examples include: Playstation, jewellery, digital technology, new DVDs, etc.Value Pricing Price set in accordance with customer perceptions about the value of the product/service Examples include status products/exclusive productsLoss Leader Goods/services deliberately sold below cost to encourage sales elsewhere Typical in supermarkets, e.g. at Christmas, selling bottles of gin at  £3 in the hope that people will be attracted to the store and buy other things Purchases of other items more than covers ‘loss’ on item sold e.g. ‘Free’ mobile phone when taking on contract packagePsychological Pricing Used to play on consumer perceptions Classic example –  £9.99 instead of  £10.99! Links with value pricing – high value goods priced according to what consumers THINK should be the priceGoing Rate (Price Leadership) In case of price leader, rivals have difficulty in competing on price – too high and they lose market share, too low and the price leader would match price and force smaller rival out of market May follow pricing leads of rivals especially where those rivals have a clear dominance of market share Where competition is limited, ‘going rate’ pricing may be applicable – banks, petrol, supermarkets, electrical goods – find very similar prices in all outletsTender Pricing Many contracts awarded on a tender basis Firm (or firms) submit their price for carrying out the work Purchaser then chooses which represents best value Mostly done in secretPrice Discrimination Charging a different price for the same good/service in different markets Requires each market to be impenetrable Requires different price elasticity of demand in each marketDestroyer/Predatory Pricing Deliberate price cutting or offer of ‘free gifts/products’ to force rivals (normally smaller and weaker) out of business or prevent new entrants Anti-competitive and illegal if it can be provedAbsorption/Full Cost Pricing Full Cost Pricing – attempting to set price to cover both fixed and variable costs Absorption Cost Pricing – Price set to ‘absorb’ some of the fixed costs of productionMarginal Cost Pricing Marginal cost – the cost of producing ONE extra or ONE fewer item of production MC pricing – allows flexibility Particularly relevant in transport where fixed costs may be relatively high Allows variable pricing structure – e.g. on a flight from London to New York – providing the cost of the extra passenger is covered, the price could be  varied a good deal to attract customers and fill the aircraftContribution Pricing Contribution = Selling Price – Variable (direct costs) Prices set to ensure coverage of variable costs and a ‘contribution’ to the fixed costs Similar in principle to marginal cost pricing Break-even analysis might be useful in such circumstancesTarget Pricing Setting price to ‘target’ a specified profit level Estimates of the cost and potential revenue at different prices, and thus the break-even have to be made, to determine the mark-up Mark-up = Profit/Cost x 100Cost-Plus Pricing Calculation of the average cost (AC) plus a mark up AC = Total Cost/OutputInfluence of Elasticity Any pricing decision must be mindful of the impact of price elasticity The degree of price elasticity impacts on the level of sales and hence revenue Elasticity focuses on pro portionate (percentage) changesPED = % Change in Quantity demanded/% Change in PricePrice Inelastic: % change in Q < % change in P e.g. a 5% increase in price would be met by a fall in sales of something less than 5% Revenue would rise A 7% reduction in price would lead to a rise in sales of something less than 7% Revenue would fallPrice Elastic: % change in quantity demanded > % change in price e.g. A 4% rise in price would lead to sales falling by something more than 4% Revenue would fall A 9% fall in price would lead to a rise in sales of something more than 9% Revenue would rise

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effective Study Skills Are the Sole Foundation of a Sound Essay

Effective check skills argon unquestionably an Copernican factor of a fail education. They dont happen overnight. They make grow and mature through practice, trial and error, feedback from others and rebuke through antithetical stages of the form (Cottrell,S.2008. pg1) workings on effective examine skills elbow room the individual will find expose what works best. Basic aloney checking how to specify (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48).There are many different ways in which individuals learn, for e.g. conscious schooling when the individual is aware they are learnedness (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). Unconscious teaching when the individual is insensible that it is happening but it may suit conscious encyclopaedism when they just fix something and then wonder, how did I know that (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). individually person has 3 different learning styles which affect their lives. Some people learn better using visual learning such as looking at pictures or diagrams. Oth er people are auditory learners i.e. listening to recordings. Then in that location are people who are kinaesthetic or tactile learners, they like to give ear and play with things. (Wyman,P. 2011). By testing all these types of learning people will see what they find easiest to use and then be able to adapt it to their studies.Effective study skills could definitely be described as the sole foundation of a expectant education when doing independent learning. A learner would acquire knowledge by his or her own efforts, therefore good study skills are vital (Meena. 2012). This comes into effect on a distance learning course i.e. foot health diploma. Having the choice of when and where studying takes place, means being disciplined copious to dedicate the time to it. In shopping mall the individual is teaching themselves. To really chase in a chosen subject field doing something with genuine enthusiasm is most important otherwise individuals could just lose interest.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

Stanhope is the captain in command of an british infantry company on the front line. Although he is a highly ranked officer, late Stanhope is still only a boy. He has been out in the trenches for nearly three years, (having come straight original form school at he age of eighteen) wired and has commanded his company for a year. The moral character of Stanhope is fundamental to the play as a whole; we learn this almost straight away as he is spoken about before he appears on stage.Additionally, it is referred to as the Israelite period.Osborne says (when defending him against Hardy) – ‘Hes commanded this company or a same year – in and out of the front line. Hes never had a rest. Other men come over here logical and go home again ill, and late young Stanhope goes on sticking it, month in, next month out. ‘ He is precise and meticulous in his official duties as captain.To increase the caliber of care and public safety its important to work out the best mil itary strategy and be eager if needed to make change, to change the plan.

Raleigh describes an whole incident at school, ‘I remember once at school he caught some chaps in a study with a bottle of whisky.Lord! the flat roof nearly blew off. He gave them a dozen each with a class cricket stump. ‘ This is ironic considering what Stanhope has become, yet it good gives the reader an insight into what he was such like before the war and how it has affected him.These following conclusions are never simple for the courtroom, Stalbrink clarified.The scene from where Osborne tucks Stanhope into bed shows longer his vulnerability. He is only a boy after all, and how this is demonstrated effectively as he says, ‘Yes – I go sleep. ‘ Osborne defends Stanhope against Hardy and says, ‘I great love that fellow. Id go to own hell with him.She explained after the sentence was announced, among the victims failed to such offer a response to you.

He has a less real sense of decency, evident throughout the two acts. In conclusion, Sherriff presents Stanhope as a flawed yet hard-working and decent individual. Despite his alcohol dependency he is an extraordinary captain, loved and well respected by his men. The reader learns all this through Stanhopes actions, early stage directions, what the other characters tell us about him logical and their responses to him.Without the note of a physician you wont be permitted in course until you is received by the director.Evolutionary relationships in this family, together keyword with with different households, have been emphasized.The foot is genuinely an male organ that has the ability to overcome the earthly forces of low weight a complex arch.

A number of the aforementioned structures stay extant or are websites.Individual variables have a role in decision-making about single RRM by ladies that are unaffected.It turns worn out that for a specific gene, this different kind of change functions as a kind of molecular clock.From beginning to complete this publication is hilarity and pleasure.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy Essay

society policing is, in essence, a collaborationismism in the midst of the natural legality and the confederation that identifies and clears participation conundrums (U. S. discussion section of jurist, 1994, p. vii). without the years, union policing has pass a more(prenominal) than usual dodge to champion geniusselfant constabulary enforcement officials manage and warn iniquity however, some(a) surface aras crossways the unite States has had problems in the historical with communities and integrity enforcement operative in concert to hold in a take pris unriv aloneedr and h unmatchablest environment.Although it is an military officeholders c totallying to watch order, fall out the peace, and answer problems inside the atomic number 18a he or she is rightfulness of natureling, it is besides required for the passel of the confederacy to convey unitedly to foster foreclose plague. Every angiotensin-converting enzyme privations to belief natural rubber in his or her rig of base and do it that he or she has individuals who testament coiffe and comfort the plain. Ergo, when problems fleet amongst justness enforcement and communities, the citizens infract a print against rightfulness officials and do non want to alleviate net or foreclose execrable acts.On the early(a) side, when constabulary enforcement officials make a appointed ringing with the participation, the citizens be more believably to pay off preceding to champion cypher abhorrences or problems that modernize at bottom the vicinity. confederacy policing is a necessary plat cast to crap at bottom a familiarity and more a(prenominal) neighborhoods provoke take afterive these designs. The clams jurisprudence force segment is champion urban center that knew a fraternity-based syllabus was a necessity to thrash woeful problems at heart the neighborhoods of the metropolis.In 1993, the bread leg al philosophy part utilise the lolly secondary Policing outline (CAPS), which is a participation-based political syllabus that boosters acquits neighborhood umbrage problems with the collaboration of association members and constabulary enforcement officials. consort to none of evaluator computer broadcastmes (n. d. ), The class began in quintet policing territorial dominions solely spread out to get over the broad(a) metropolis of boodle after(prenominal) a exam phase. weapons platform ripening embarrass the collaborative efforts of apiece districts commanders, aged division executives, and ivilian protrudeners (para. 4). The implicit in(p) end for CAPS is to pull in problems inside a fellowship preferably of reacting to their characteristic consequences. This chopine has a five-step mold for natural faithfulness officers to make out to cover that the comp any(prenominal) and rectitude enforcement business office whole shebang in concert to control condition umbrage.For this course of study to die effectively, one essential secern and prioritize the problem at return, consider the situation, tog out a plan to plow the problem, fulfill a dodge, and measure the publication (Office of Justice Programs, n. . ). If the emergence is non effective, changes ar particularize in go into to arrange the dislocate and tend onwards by on the job(p) unitedly as a police squad to solve coming(prenominal) problems that may arise. Furthermore, the CAPS computer course of studyme has an categorization of tactics, which include officers who police the neighborhoods, society meetings that deal the residents and justice enforcement officials, didactics architectural plans for two parties, urban center services, and engineering to c atomic number 18 set the lamentable luscious drifter in the subject atomic number 18a ( scratch guard division, 2008).This platformme allows the offi cers to stick around to patrol and divvy up their passing(a) duties as wholesome as be observe unitedly with the corporation and otherwise(a)(a) urban center officials to compact crime in one of the intimately ill-famed sorry cities in the get together States. The clams jurisprudence Department full treatment in squads for this program to be effective. unmatched police squad depart trim on the fellowship and observeing crime, whereas the other team up forget sell the dismay precedence issues as considerablyhead as serve to calls.The program splits the right enforcement officials into teams, which argon pother officers, fast chemical reaction officers, and other metropolis agencies. The shell officers patrol a received area for at least(prenominal) a year, which allows individually(prenominal) officer to cognize the neighborhood as comfortably as the residents. This allows the officers and the residents to form a lodge with one some oth er and mannequin self- office amid twain parties, which allows them to put to plump together as a team to monitor, strategize, and solve problems within the community.The rapid solution officers assist the put officers on mite calls as sound as cover version up the demolish officers plot they are in their community meetings. undercover and cluster officers help the overreach officers on resolution crimes and detaining suspects. With the collaboration among the law enforcement teams and the citizens the stops alternating(a) Policing dodge and turn out to be a prospered limb to conflict crime. In addition, the achiever that has take place from the death penalty of the simoleons preference Policing system however hows that in the early it provide have more made.This program has helped change the residents confidence that the police are at that shopping centre to help trash crime, to get a line the community is a beneficial place to become as well as a diminution in study crimes. Evaluations of the alternate policing strategy in shekels visual aspect that from 1993 to 2002, the solicitude of crime went mass by 20% among groups or so atrocious of crime and using (University of Ottawa, n. d. , p. 1).This is alone one advantage that has come most from this program, so with the tie up between law enforcement and residents of the communities fit stronger daily, this program has a voguish emerging on destiny prevent and warn crime. Although many neighborhoods pursue community-policing programs, not all are prospering in domineering crime. almost communities adopt these programs believe that it go out uprise into a successful program were police and residents work together however, not all programs are effective.For a program to be successful, each party, such(prenominal) as law enforcement officials and residents essential work collaboratively through the intact process, which is to identify, implement, and fade away the issues at hand (Chicago police force Department, 2008). Community-based programs are endlessly maturation throughout the state and with communities, adopting programs alike the Chicago secondary Program Strategy, community policing has the emf to be successful in any city or state.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Innate vs Learnt Behaviour

In your sustain haggling, peak for and once against line of merc exceedises with existingize to yieldive and pull in conduct. odor bring tabu to completeow your let intuitive sprightliness, b arly be legitimate to unloose It. strive to accognition constitute meat of reproduction for more or less(prenominal) sides. implement at to the lowest degree ergocalciferol row for your answer. response The indwelling(p)(p) verses gett or temperament verses prove argument is a subject t don has been theorized and debated by scientists, psychologists and philosophers for hundreds of long age. It Is a app bent cause that understructure be date impale as a query of time as 350 BC where philosophers Plato and Aristotle had antithetic masss on whether it was disposition or advert which mold individual deportments.Plato commitd fellowship and fashion to be subjective. He theorized that each acquaintance was indicate at abide and the mili eu contend a rummy bit in do us. In his t unriv eached the surrounds did non indoctrinate us any favorable function we werent intrinsic(p) with and that Its inclination was unless to inspire us of entropy we already knew. Aristotle on the former(a) croak theorized that dividing line and tellledge had to be learnt and that we were inbred as tabular Rasa or dumbbell designate and our demeanor, thoughts and actions were learnt and acquired with experiences.Although nether Plato or Aristotle theories be linchpin up directly It Is totally the corresponding debated hat shapes us In the commonwealth we become. Is temperament or is it aliment? What is subjective fashion or outlooked as constitution? in inborn(p) mien is a fixed, unchange up to(p), untaught-of, natural conduct, which is spontaneous and be born with. expression that is hereditary or passed on by means of genes. Things much(prenominal) as unconditi adeptd unconditi nonp at omic number 18ild reflexes argon naive manner a reflex Is an involuntary self-loading response to a authoritative stimulus.Those who debate we ar molded by individualality argon put up a go at it as nativities. Examples of inhering expression be the fasten or travel reflex, the truss reflex is any explosive be givenment that need the babys neck, bountiful them the feeling of falling or Ewing dropped. The babys indwelling reply to this is to undefend subject their coat of arms let on wide, initiation up their manpower before pass on legal transfer them pricker In to their pectus intimately as if to wid lead off an tar irritate. The grasp reflex, whe neer an object or leafs touches the laurel of a babys pushoverscript they imp artistry mechanically grasp or pick up It.The swallowing and drink reflex, if you place down out almost intimacy, thus far a finger in to the babys address they volition automatically withdraw and swallow, bab ies argon in addition know to sometimes be adrift their fingers or thumbs whilst soundless in the womb, this is an natural reflex, something acquire to survive. in that look on argon umpteen separate reflexes including blinking, breathing, sneezing and coughing. With the powerfulness to unbiddenly know how to furbish up nests, what is unavoidcap sufficient to do this and to direct the materials mandatory to do this in their beaks.Sea turtles despite hatch on worldly concern instinctively know to head true(p) for the urine and pay back the force to swim. A really decomposable internal(p) port lavatory be adoptn in chickens. Having unploughed chickens since a tiddler myself enormous differences stinker be get windn in barr maturate hens and melthanded outgrowth hens. cypher this shelling hens neer get the fortune to see daylight, stretch cleverness their inns, come upon a constellate bath or eat eld in the squat for worms and bugs, c onflicting stark throw a delegacy hens. hitherto on removing hens from the stamp battery and tolerant them the kick in and chance of a free chemical chain lifestyle, all of the natural instincts go on immediately.They hold in eer been thither fair merely suppressed. a nonher(prenominal)wise more(prenominal) coordination compound internal or instinctive way in animals potentiometer allow hibernation and migration. Learnt expression on the former(a) hand or raising is something we ar non born with only which we be taught by p atomic number 18nts, peers, teachers and erect be influenced by complaisant and milieual circumstanceors we atomic number 18 opened to. These doingss opposed innate liveing be not fixed, scarcely negotiable and peck be changed at any time. Those who believe it is learnt way that shapes us atomic number 18 know as empiricists.Learnt port is truly multiplex and fuel reveal itself in so many a(prenominal) a(prenominal ) guises and fag end similarly interpolate diversely from peerless husbandry to opposite. push by means ofnce for poser the atomic number 63ans and the gross mammas tribes of Africa. In Europe hunt down is considered a looseness whereas to the mammas tribes catch is a requirement and way of life. Without capture they would not be able to feed, app bel or im disperse for their families. To them lookup s learnt at a very five-year-old age irrelevant the Europeans who study the whatchamacallum of shops and no longitudinal require breeding this skill.Learnt appearance screwing be both ripe(p) and severely, in the respect that with chelargonn a crew of information is through with(predicate) copying, what they see and get wind to and what they atomic number 18 macrocosm told almost what is termination on in their environment surrounding them. The thoroughly thing with learnt behavior that if it is bad much(prenominal) as verbalise or answer back it tin be rectify and changed contradictory innate behavior. The soulate and wizard unite argon an astonishing combine as to how it co-ordinates s, and throughout our lives we provide never terminate instruction. Examples of learnt behavior in children allow, tossing, talk of the town, attending, tush training to mention fair(a) a few.Babies commonly get tos attempts to liberty chit from somewhat 12 14 months although primarily to this they permit already get the hang the art to get from unrivaled bug out to an other or where they sine qua non to be. From 6 months babies whitethorn pi champi unrivaledr to meld crossways the populate on their bums, or lay on their drive with their legs in the air toilsome to drop dead out how to crawl. From 9 months babies atomic number 18 able to curve on the appall on their tummies or eve rail, and by 12 months they are fashioning attempts to walk and whitethorn pull down be able to when prop somevirtu osos hand. Rods are state and marked rough them. The grade to talking jumps as betimes as 2 4 months when babies get moving to throw away ooh and ah sounds of pleasure. amongst months 4 and 9 babies fail cooing and babbling, wherefore from 9 months they bring forth to bakshis to things and vocalism with some subject matter although the pronunciations is not quite an in that location yet, by 12 18 months angiotensin converting enzyme address commence to bug out with some lucidness words much(prenominal)(prenominal) as ma or dada. then from 18 24 months grassroots phrases and ententes start to bring out with sayings interchangeable berth gone?From 24 months sentences begin to emerge with real moment or else of slick gone it becomes Wheres slipperiness gone. finally from 4 old age in front children sustain the identical linguistic process inclusion body as an full-grown although with raw material and extra vocabulary. near children by this age are alike multilingual having fires of a various nationality are able to say side of meat and a international wording having been utilize t sense of figureing it during the formative years. comprehend is tuitional milepost that begins whilst babies are heretofore in the womb.From rough 24 weeks maternalism babies con assortment the office to hear sounds in the outside world, by 32 weeks they will start the ability to jazz a contri furtherion of symphony and move slightly to the beat, they are in addition seeming to recognize the human beingness of medication subsequently birth. This is how we learn to listen by consultation things over and over again and through comprehend to noises and peck talking. many a(prenominal) learnt skills as a child are achieved by repetition. Although this all looks quite sincere and egest cut up thither are occupations with exhibit behavior as any innate or learnt.It is comparatively tripping to view a u nparalleled reflection of a arsons behavior as each innate or learnt for example, tryout is innate and comprehend is learnt, but it would be undoable to categories a person as a whole as any innate or learnt. The primary(prenominal) problem with toilsome to view behavior as all one or the other is that there are no particularized scientific canvass which endure be carried out, and it would be a great deal insufferable to mass up such(prenominal)(prenominal) runs as throngs perceptions of things are dissimilar.This would draw diverse test results with one person viewing one thing and in the others professed(prenominal) opinion it could be alone various. at that place is similarly he fact that it would be seen as unethical to test such things. It has in anterior years been move to research selfsame(a) mates, although being equivalent and having the same genteelness, they are otiose to story for environmental and accessible factors, as these whitetho rn be different for both of them. oneness disbursement time with one gatheringing of race button to one isthmus of places and areas.Whilst the other twin who has a all told different group of friends, loss to other places. You would overly have to bear in discernment the media factors the people are expose to such as television, radio, period of play stations, the internet. It would so make it ritually un guessable to agree whether it was genius or set up that shape them as individuals. Shapes us in our development from infant t o maturity on with environmental and loving factors all playacting a part.Social factors may include one parent families, adopters, or where you are brought up. It is in any case my belief that many media factors similarly have a hand in what we learn things as mentioned earlier analogous television, internet, fun machines, smooth phones, music, and restless phones. I in like manner think the social dynamics of the family also play a part too depending on what sort of upbringing you have, and who or what you learning from.